you've come really far since I first met you on prison xD
wassup tin >:D
Hey agent, its eggj, and as you know I was banned on opfactions for hacking. I made a ban appeal to my banner xsoulhero but he said that he is...
oh It was for the advice, and I asked Alex to unban me xD
Oh ok, do you know an opfactions staff by any chance?
Sorry to bother you but can you unban me on opfactions. I was banned by reconizedMMO who is now xsoulhero and he agreed to unban you but he is...
@MR_B3N_123 XD I made a couple ban appeals but they're not unbanning easily ;-;
I like the idea, except I don't like the idea of restarting the things that haven't yet become "OP" yet.
Can someone please fix opfactions?
Hey, anything new going on?
Poor Kylan, no ones helping. xD
Is anything interesting happening on survival?
kidnap? I prefer the term, "surprise adoption" xD
Hey jadey, am I unbanned?
:D thor
duplicating is not illegal, but not good to do, right? Pop banned me on survival for doing it, can u help me get unbanned?