Well, you have to go the hard way and not use a bow but then eventually get a bow haha.
Support :D
[Elite] at Basketball :)
Basketball all day. I can shoot them threes.
Feeling Lonely...
That's what they all say...
ohhhhh thanks
Thanks Thanks!
@jarroyonaples sorry for being annoying, but how do you post it?
@jarroyonaples wow I am so dumb, should've known that. Do you earn that thing that you have that looks like the achievement get thing?
Thanks pokemaniac01, how do you tag people?
I just recently got a sponge in SkyGrid, but is there any way to add someone to the protection? Thanks. -football2829
samuelgamer123 I have one now
Yeah, someone spawned close to my sky grid too :P
As I know many Elites know of this, but on infection there is some issues. You can't do color codes, and do /me or anything like that. But the...