1. ixBen 2. datpancakeboy 3. Spam 4.
1. SuperMegaBuilder 2. cxjz 3. Offensive Language 4. http://gyazo.com/55a071a4513ca5c27d141e96a89bc7ce...
I've had this problem for a while now, my profile often doesn't save my messages. No matter how many messages I post in a day, it will only add 1...
I have created a skywars map based off of Minecraft Strongholds/Dungeons with the help of @HeyitsAlexa . This is the first map I've created so it...
1. SuperMegaBuilder 2. isongbird 3. Fly hacking 4. [ATTACH]
Your ingame name: SuperMegaBuilder The offender's ingame name: mcmurdyconnor A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Fly Hacks...
I saw rare crates and common crates and wondered how I should get the keys for them and nobody was answering me in chat so how can you get crate...
I went off the server for maybe 3 days and I come back. I say hi and it says my rank is gone - I had VIP before - and I can't use any of the kits....
1. SuperMegaBuilder 2. rasmusmody 3. Spamming 4. [ATTACH]
1. SuperMegaBuilder 2. Me_2002 3. Fly hacks (not sure if he's god, check first). Since you can't quite see the name, tp to him and he will have...
1. SuperMegaBuilder 2. Me_2002 & Cokynisky 3. Destroying farm by coming onto my island with a warp and somehow getting and jumping on ALL of our...
1. SuperMegaBuilder 2. deniz25082004 3. Spamming his shop warp 4.[ATTACH]
I just wanted to say that its 5:45 AM and I'm posting this to say that it's my birthday! YAY!: D
Hi, I bought VIP about 15 minutes ago and I noticed that I went from C-Prisoner back to D-Prisoner but i can still go into the C block, is it...
1. SuperMegaBuilder 2. deniz25082004 3. Spamming the server and threatening to hack them if they report him 4. [ATTACH]
1. SuperMegaBuilder 2. Jishwan 3. Spamming. 4. [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
We're totally sane.[ATTACH]
1. SuperMegaBuilder 2. SuperDiamond554 3. She swore at someone and she's 10 years old so I told her it wasn't healthy for he to use that language...
1. SuperMegaBuilder 2. eXile337 3. Spamming the entire skywars server in /g 4. [ATTACH]
It would be really awesome to add mcmmo on to survival just to add some fun to survival. ;) Short message but it's all I want to say. :)