I've been with this server for some time now and now is the time when we need our mods the most but they are no where to be found we the player...
IGN : KSI_Knight Rule breaker IGN : TNTIllusion Rule broken : Hacking Evidence :[media]
I can't talk in public chat on any servers and it only says cannot send chat message what is wrong it has said that on all of the servers. idk...
IGN : KSI_Knight Rule Breaker IGN : kqk2000. WreckItWian Rule Broken : Scamming Evidence : [media] Evidence : [media]
IGN : KSI_Knight Rule Breaker IGN : lokie2002 Rule Broken : Hacking Evidence : [media]
IGN : KSI_Knight Rule Breaker IGN : unknown mod Rule broken : abuse or power Evidence : None but i've had a discussion with Panda with my donor...
IGN : KSI_Knight Rule Breaker IGN : JumboTen90 Rule Broken : Scamming Evidence : [media]
IGN : KSI_Knight Ruler breaker IGN : supersprinkles Rule Broken : Scamming Evidence : [media] PS : Please give my money back it was 93bill
Found people cursing on the OPPrison server nothing happened!! [media]
How old are you : 16 years old What is your IGN : KSI_Knight What timezone are you in : E.S.T What Country do you live in : U.S.A What...
Hello. Felt like I needed to make one of these So i'm going to make one. IGN : KSI_Knight Real Name : Dustin Location : U.S.A Servers : OPPrison ,...
I would like for there to be more items in the shop for building materials to make plots come more alive and stand out more, And/Or Pistons for...
IGN : KSI_Knight Rule Breaker IGN : Idiot108 rule broken : scamming Link to video of scam. [media]
IGN : KSI_Knight Ruler Breaker IGN : jamal135 Rule Broken : Scamming Found another scammer here is the link to the video i post for proof.turn...
IGN : KSI_Knight Person who broke the rule IGN : ryan2624 Rule Broken : Scamming on OPPrison Evidence of breaking the rule : I will make a...