This question is directed towards anyone who has had any information prior to the upcoming release of OP Factions, which is supposedly set to be...
Well, yesterday I came back to Mineverse to perhaps play some OP Factions but it hasn't been reset yet. I thought it was happening soon....
Your ingame name: _Darkorso_ The offender's exact ingame name: RestInPieces2k16 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: PvP...
Hey, I think the Mineverse Host should be changed ASAP, as many of you know, Mineverse is not the best when it comes to playing without lag, I...
Your IGN: _Darkorso_ The offender's IGN: Qii A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: PVP Hacks, kill aura. [MEDIA]
Your IGN: _Darkorso_ The offender's IGN: God_Jeffery A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: PVP Hacks, Anti-kb. [MEDIA]
Your IGN: _Darkorso_ The offender's IGN: sifazou A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: PVP Hacks, Anti-kb, kill aura....
:)Introduction:) Hello, I am Darkorso, I have been playing on Mineverse for over two years now and and been on the forums for around a year and...
I think it would be something Mineverse should invest in, see who in Mineverse has the most subscribers and employ them to do videos about...
I created this thread so anyone else who has Build their own pc/gaming pc can post their builds here or links to pcpartpicker.
Title explains it :)
Hey there, In my eyes mineverse has not been progressing to the extent that I should be in the past year at least. What I mean by this is that on...
Just wanted to ask if there has been any effort to fix the creeper egg glitch for example.
I just got back from a six month break and OP Facs still has not been reset..... WHY?
Hey, just got back again from a 6 month break, and OP Factions still hasn't been reset.... why?......
It is now five months on after I have asked for about a year for a OP Factions Reset, I come back and still no. I'm starting to think Cyp and...
Post your opinions as to whether or not Mineverse should invest in better advertising.
-=Welcome to Haedes Mountain=- Map make by Darkorso & DarkPocketGaming ======================== Here is the tour video [MEDIA] Features: ★ Amazing...