//////////////////// FIXED [MEDIA] Team Killing with Fishing Rod. hER u GO mAXnINJA10 AND TADS4
[MEDIA] Team Killing with Fishing Rod. JUST A TEST \/\/\/ @paulainmo
How old are you? I am currently 13. What is you in-game name? My in-game name is cman22c. What timezone are you in? I am in CST (Center Standard...
My name is cman22c. The reported Player's name is RockLeoneHFG. They were trapping players in end portals. [ATTACH]
My name is cman22c. The offender's name is 9899omar. He was cursing obscenities at me and calling me offensive names. Screenshot is attached.
My name is cman22c. The offenders name is L3GIT_BOY He was calling my very offensive names. Screenshot of the offensive language attached.
[North America] cman22c's Guard App 12 cman22c Central Standard Time (6:00) USA English (Working on Spanish) I think i should become a guard...