What am I suggesting? A way for non vip people to get multipliers. Suggestion info: So there is a /warp shop where you can buy things. I was...
Your ingame name: jellybelly124 The offender's ingame name: SoulsIlve3 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Hacking with...
Your ingame name: jellybelly124 The offender's ingame name: THE_SHADOWS_BOSS & jay_bo_d A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it:...
Your ingame name: jellybelly124 The offender's ingame name: William_0204 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Hacking with...
My IGN: jellybelly124 Offender: ZekeS2003 Offense the committed: Hacking with anti-knockback Evidence: [media]
My IGN: jellybelly124 Offender: Minecraft_Logicz Rule they broke: Advertising Evidence? http://gyazo.com/41ae8279b71e9ea71048cee9805df602
Note: I will not be adding color as I feel it isn't relevant to the mod application. I don't think it will increase your chances of becoming a mod...
IGN: Jellybelly124 Offender: Sollace5791 What they did: Advertised Evidence: http://gyazo.com/70801100fb075bcdfb90cb446edb14ac
http://gyazo.com/1affa7396ab86c3cf532cac4c40fa97b http://gyazo.com/6afab8840f86aef8201a25a248cc793b...
I'm just going to start off with that I'm probably going to get most of this from my Skyblock introduction :p Well here we go. :) Hi my name...
Your ingame name: jellybelly124 The offender's ingame name: billymal A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: They were...