Your ingame name: WolfLeader116 The offender's exact ingame name: RickityCrickett A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Flight...
Hello! Yesterday, I had an issue where I got kicked from the server for having a chest with NBT data. Today, same problem. (I didn't try to get...
1. WolfLeader116 2. KenaltyMinecraft 3. Placing a sign in their plot advertising a server. 4. Image [IMG]
I just now found that if you take a sticky piston and place it facing the un-editable edge of your plot leaving 1 block of space, once you extend...
WolfLeader116 zombie1R Advertising a server Screenshot:
Hello! 2 months ago, the prison server had issues so Cypriot_Merks temporarilly got rid of /warp mob. He forgot to re-add it so please add /warp...
12 WolfLeader116 PST (pacific standard time) The United States of America English and Japanese I think that I should be a moderator because I...
WolfLeader116 babyjames02 Hacking. babyjames02 flew/floated around at spawn. Photo #1: [IMG] Photo #2 [IMG]
IGN: WolfLeader116 OIGN: Super_Sayian_God Offence: Super_Sayian_God is spamming, and said some mean things like "shut the up bitch", "what...