I know I have said "I'm leaving." many times and all. Now I am either permanently leaving or leaving for a few days. I'm leaving sinceI feel...
I requested for my account to be banned many weeks ago, and it was banned. Now, it is unbanned? Could I have it perm banned? Thanks. IGN: omie2001
Hi, its omie2001. There have been a few "issues" with my account, and so I don't have access to it anymore. The staff would be doing a favor that...
Today when I got on, it said I had to re-login. lol I was like "Okay" and I tried my password. It didn't work. I tried it again and again, didn't...
When I was playing kitpvp I noticed a guy with a weird rank called: Major. I have never seen this in the shop at all. Is it some new kitpvp rank?...
Hi! :) Where are you guys going for Thanksgiving? Or are you staying home? I am going to my dad's uncle's farm. :)
Hello :), Thanks to cypriotmerkz we now have this section :). Anyway, I would like to trade items on prison, Hellblock, opfactions, skygrid,...
Your Ign: omie2001 Offender's ign: mpd1701 How they broke the rules: Spamming server IP Evidence/screenshots: Below.
my IGN: omie2001 offender's IGN: derekneugebauer Problem: Swearing Evidence: Screenshots
In-game name: omie2001 Offender's in-game name: BradG14 Problem/issue/what they are doing wrong: Being extremely rude to me and C4_4U_00 Evidence:...
Hello :). I just happened to come up with a new, forums game. Its very simple and fun. Directions/how to play: Okay... So first the person above...
There is an infection torch glitch where when you place 1 torch down you keep the torch and then it spams: Air strike inbound about 50 times. The...
I have screenshots of smexy people below. Note: (They are just pet humans)
Hello, I have been on the forums for a while now and I still don't know how to make the voting thing. I know this sounds stupid lol, but anyway...
Hello, my in-game name is omie2001. I don't have access to all the pets :(. If this is supposed to be this way then they have no point in being in...
1. omie2001 2. msplogen12 3. Very mean to me. 4.
Your ingame name: Omie2001 The offender's ingame name: ebag51 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Swearing and language. He...
Hi, the island I was on was deleted :( on hellblock. I am looking for an island to join. No Noobs. Info about me: I am friendly. :) I am a Titan...
OMG I warped to /warp skyloft and then there is an ender portal that I am stuck in and there are walls. So I can't type /is to get back! I need...
If you are willing to buy my friend a rank, I will give you many items in-game. :D She/he is currently sponsor right now. If you can do this,...