Hey im having a problem on creative, I can't move and every time I try to talk or move it puts me back in the same location I think I am stuck in...
Hope you guys enjoy seriously love you people who support me lets do this! AGE: 16 IGN: drybones0205 Time-Zone: Atlantic (US and Canada) 5:00...
What happened to the server I was just on and it said Server Closed anyone know what happened?
Recently on Skyblock there has been a lot of spam from people advertising there shops, and its getting very annoying. On the Creative Server it...
Hey YouTubers Have you or your friend been looking for A intro for your MineCraft YouTube Episodes? People usually search "Good YouTube Intro...
My Age: 18 In-Game Name: drybones0205 Time Zone: Eastern Time Zone UTC-05:00 What Country Do You Live In: United States of America Languages:...
There is on challenge on the "Hard" challenges for SkyBlock.... The challenge's name is Explorer, for this challenge you need to go to the...