Ever since GTA came out, there have been debates of whether or not /spawn should be delayed. Earlier today Noobcrew added the delay, I dislike...
So 2 Days Ago Was The Last Time That I Voted, Last Night When I Clicked The Link, It Brought Me To The Voting Page, I Put In My Username...
Hello!, I Am Thinking About Selling Premium, An Upgrade To Sponsor, Or Something From The Items Category, For In Game Money/Items. This Is Mainly...
Hello! I Am Dwarfs_Digging, And I Am Looking To See If I Could Give items/$$$ To Anyone In Return For Them Voting For Me, I Only Play Infection...
Whenever I try To Vote For Mineverse and I click the link, or go to the website and vote from there, it always says "you've already voted today"...
ign: Dwarfs_Digging Offender: MattJorden Actions: Scammed Me Out Of $485 on kitpvp Could I Get The Money Back?
Ign: Dwarfs_Digging Offender: groovyjimi Actions: Advertising their warp (Didnt get screens of that) and killing the people who came. than saying...
Im Buying Diamonds On Skyblock! Msg Me you deals
Ign: Dwarfs_Digging Offenders Names: Lukegarber and carrottortoise Desc of what they did: I was running through a canyon when i look up and i see...
Hello, So recently i have noticed a lot of people are giving ranks away, so i was wondering if anyone could rank me up to elite I would give them:...
After careful consideration between me and axeslinger, we have decided that the ones that will make the cut are: -maddy -xoxo -agentorange...
Your ingame name: Dwarfs_Digging The offender's ingame name: DR_E0N A description of what rule they broke/how: They Were dropping arrows with...
Hey, Im Selling Premium, Premium -> Sponsor, Maybe Sponsor & Sponsor -> VIP If You Would Like A Chance Please Fill Out: In-Game Name: What You...
Please go to the new thread in discussion, sorry for the inconvenience
Hey, I Cant Talk On Any Of The Servers, Whenever i try it says "Cannot send chat message" can someone get back to me? Thanks! -Dw P.S. No I...
Your ingame name: Dwarfs_Digging The offender's ingame name: sandor_1234 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Using Rapidfire...
Hai, My Very Sexy In Game Name Is Dwarfs_Digging, and my IRL plain and boring name Is Tim (Or Timmy :P) My Favorite Servers To Play On Are:...
Your ingame name: Dwarfs_Digging The offender's ingame name: xXphoXx_chamber A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: After i...
Welcome To Dwarfs_Digging's Mod Application!!!!!! Intro!!!!!!!!!: Hey Everyone! Im Dwarfs_Digging in MC or Tim in real life. I just wanted to say...