Skyblock has been reset ;-;. Can we have something to compensate for this? I spent like 3 years working on my island....
Check it out at /warp cubed, /warp lobby, /warp loyal. Has beacons, diamond blocks, spawners, untextured blocks and more! DM me offers.
My IGN: frankliu Problem: Recently my bat pet hasn't been working. I went to /lobby and typed pet bat then I went to skyblock it wasn't there? I...
Whenever I try connecting it says: ---- Minecraft Crash Report ---- // My bad. Time: 6/22/16 10:21 AM Description: Server forgot to send required...
My IGN: frankliu The Offender's IGN:_ICYB3AR_ What They Did: Made A DeathWarp and Used Lava To Kill Me Also Some Profanity Evidence Below :p: [MEDIA]
We should have /d in skyblock again :/
My Ign: Frankliu His Ign: NoahAlan328 What He Did: Made A Deathwarp NoahShop Proof Below [MEDIA]
My Ign: frankliu His Ign: Revolutionists Crime?: Advertising |Proof| V V
My Ign: frankliu His Ign: nikobusters3443 What He Did: Made A Warp To Trap People In Nether Portals So They Cant Type. |Proof | V V
My Ign: Frankliu His Ign: Viper9012 Sin: Advertising And Creating Deathwarp. | Proof | V V [MEDIA]
My Ign: frankliu His Ign: Christoffer9900 What Did He Do?: Spam | Proof | V V
My Ign: Frankliu Violators Ign: mmikkoo Violation: I died at a warp and he took my stuff and wouldn't give it back even when I asked him.
My Ign: frankliu Violators Ign: Joshryan Violation: Advertising | Proof | V V
My Ign: Frankliu Violators Ign: LudoTheAfrican Violation: Advertising Other Server |Proof | V V
Please DELETE Decided To Apply For Mod When I Can Write An Essay :P
IGN: frankliu Problem: Rank Not MVP I got MVP Today But on some servers I dont have it. Example Of MVP on skyblock. [ATTACH]
They both say if your premium you can use it and I'm premium but it doesn't work and instead it says "You need Premium rank or higher to unlock."...
Reported: BigBang2003 Reporter: Frankliu Reason?: Spam Proof?: | | V
My User: frankliu His User: Tomasaro Reason For Bann: He Scammed He Said He Would Pay 86000 but he only payed 86 Proof: [media]
My User : frankliu His User: KingJongDennis Why?: Cursing and told me to :p