1. Your IGN: xXOXO 2. The offenders IGN: Speculations 3.What rule they broke: Ddosing me 4. Evidence: They DDosed me 3 times this being the 3rd...
.1 Your IGN: xXOXO 2. The offenders ign: iHasNoPing 3.What Rule They broke: He is flashing his kill aura 4.Evidence: [MEDIA] if you can skip to...
1.Your IGN: xXOXO 2.The Offenders IGN: Evacuating 3.What Rule They broke: Hacking/Kill Aura 4.Evidence:[MEDIA]
1.Your IGN:xoxotoxicgirl 2.The offenders IGN: johul 3. What rule they broke: Kill aura 4.Evidence: [media]
So I was wondering why mineverse has bad hit lag. I find it quite unfair that the people who has better ping can hit you a few blocks away. My...
1. Your IGN: xoxotoxicgirl 2.The offenders ign: BladdyIdyat 3.What rule they broke: DDos Threats 4.Evidence : look close at chat [media]
1.Your ign: xoxotoxicgirl 2.The offender: eh I forgot the name but vid will show it 3.Evidence: [media]
1.Your IGN: xoxotoxicgirl 2.The Offenders IGN: KIKA_K192 3.What rule they broke: His had was going everywhere and he was eating a gap while...
1.Your IGN: xoxotoxicgirl 2.The Offenders IGN: Christopher_Ryan 3.What rule they broke: fast bow 4.Evidence...
1.Your IGN:xoxotoxicgirl 2.The offfenders IGN: KoningChrisTC 3.What rule they broke: Anti-kb and Kill aura 4.Evidence: [media]
1.Your ign: xoxotoxicgirl 2.The offenders ign: zTanay 3.What rule they broke: Kill aura/toggling aimbot 4.Evidence:[media]
1.Your ign: xoxotoxicgirl 2.The offenders ign: TrHippo 3:What rule they broke: Kill Aura/Auto Armor 4:Evidence:[media]
1. Your in game name: xoxotoxicgirl 2. The offenders in game name: AteZxZ 3. What rule they broke: Kill Aura, anti knock back and Auto armor 4....
1. Your in game name: xoxotoxicgirl 2. The offenders in game name: huntylterer and Hurrbi 3. What rule they broke: Kill aura and auto armour :3...