First of all, I want you to know that these are fan remakes, not actual remakes made by the staff. (But there's a chance, even so, very slim...
IGN of Reporter: syntaxGlitch IGN of Offender(s): amazingman302, CauseRyans5, Xx_BonnieMc_xX Offense(s): Flaming, Harassing and Offensive Language...
This is a possible map error due to a sign simply ceasing to exist or being broken by some mistake. Bug Reporter: syntaxGlitch (EnderKaanII)...
IGN: EnderKaanII Offender: Theskidmark01 Offense: Writing gibberish with /bukkit:me. Evidence: [ATTACH] EDIT: I tried to convince him to not to do...
You got that one right. I won't be telling anything personal about myself, just to let you know that I am against all kinds of weird and...
IGN: EnderKaanII Offender IGN: willt7 Offense: Movement hacks/flying in Parkour. Recording only shows level 9. Evidence (Contains idling around 2...
IGN: EnderKaanII Offender: Cammybum13 Offense: Abusing the /bukkit:me command Evidence(s): [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
1-) EnderKaanII (I am back!) 2-) Chipsteroo (Offender) 3-) Flyhacking in parkour. I have solid evidence which proves that. 4-) [media] (NOTE:...
No proof to support it, aside my current [Completed] tag. I beat XII after a long, long comeback of over 3 months... Only to be excellently proud...
My IGN: EnderKaanII Offender: thomassouthgate Offense: Insulting other players. He called me and another player "noob". Despite the fact we are...
My IGN: EnderKaanII Offender's IGN: ayrtons_world Offense: Abuse of /bukkit:me for swearing. It's actual purpose is to perform text-based emotes....
There's nothing much to tell about, I'm good at parkour. Quite good. I am currently at XII (can't finish, help please?) and I can solve your...
If anyone thinks I'm not right, tell me right NOW! Acceptable Mods: - Animated Player Mod (Req. Animation API) (Used for aesthetic purposes...
My IGN: EnderKaanII Offender's IGN: Coolcraft2864 Report Reason: Having a contraband item (Iron Sword. Only Wooden Sword is allowed) Evidence: [IMG]
Hello, I am quite good at parkour and I'm on level XII, yet the problems make it barely playable. First of all, while a person is at the fences...