Recieved a message saying I should make a new thread about my rank so here it is.. I had Vip for around 2 days and it was gone after that, I...
1. Samcull 2. Furret_Lover 3. Spamming 4. [IMG]
1. Samcull 2. JKL7940 and SacredDestroyer 3. Spamming end of 12 4. Screenshots [IMG]...
1. Samcull 2. JKL7940 3. Flying 4. Screenshots [IMG] I dont know why it is so laggy but if you closely look at the last second you see him go from...
1. Samcull 2. JonathanV2000 3. Was afk just floating here 4. Screenshot [IMG] When I go into prefixes there isn't anything to select for parkour...
1. Samcull 2. deadxassassin 3. Spam/disrespect 4 Screenshots [IMG]
1. Samcull 2. Smallmarshmello 3. Advertise 4. Screenshot [IMG] Name is not that clear but my other screenshots will not load ._.
1. Samcull 2. EasterPower 3. Hacks 4. Video [IMG] It's all I got but I think it is enough
1. Samcull 2. shadytreeduo 3. Spam 4. Screenshots [IMG]
1. Samcull 2. diegorules12 3. Spam 4. Screenshots [IMG]
1. Samcull 2. NeverRECK 3. Spam 4. Screenshot [IMG] There was more spam but this is all I got
1. Samcull 2. assassinvortex 3. Spam and swearing 4. Screenshots [IMG] [IMG]
1. Samcull 2. fredrikxi 3. Advertising 4. Screenshots below [IMG]
1: Samcull 2: PricelessPie 3: Cursing after I kept asking to stop 4. Screenshots [IMG]
1. Samcull 2. LazyGerman 3. Advertising 4. Screenshots [IMG] This is my first report ^_^ Finally found a way to post evidence
I went on to mineverse and I use to have VIP but for some reason I have a sponsor rank...:(:(:(:(. Is anyone able to tell me why this happened?
I have been voting on Mineverse for awhile and I have alwyas been getting money/xp for it. I play infection alot. Right now im on level 48 and...
Players : vincent_1_2_3_ And CreeperMaster01 Have set up a death warp, I went to this warp with Two Diamond Enchanted Swords And died, they ran...