I don't know much about CS:GO but my friends told me to download it, since I forgot my cards in the province and I would never find it again so...
On prison, my free prefix and rank got removed. Cyp fixed it once but got removed again. I cant provide any evidence yet cause of irl issues but...
Hello there, I am currently buying an itunes Gift Card Website: https://www.paypal-gifts.com/us/itunes.html Post your offers below and I will try...
Hello Everyone, I am here to list all the problems and glitches that 1.8 update has bought to us so that Cyp and crew could easily know what needs...
All my money on all gamemode has a reset, all my home in prison are gone and worse is I lost all my op stuff in every gamemode. I just wanted this...
How did maps from on infection got griefted? We need to fix this mess.
In Game Name: LeeLee4TW Offenders name: LittleHansel Reason: Threats Evidence: [IMG]
Ign name: LeeLee4Tw Offenders name: TheDragonsLover Reason: Advertising Evidence:
Selling capes for mineverse players only. Only mineverse players can see the capes. Just like optifine.
Mods close
1. IGN: LeeLee4TW 2. Offender's name: KATIE_MARIE_ 3. Reason: Advertising 4. Evidence: [IMG]...
Once upon a time, a [Titan]noob pvps CypriotMerks and he is at half a life left. Quickly he typed /heasdl but console said that the command is...
I am currently buying a Clash of Clans account for ingame money. It needs to be a level 8 townhall but yeah
I am buying an itunes gift card for ingame money. Just message your offers below and We will make the deal via PM. Good day and merry christmas :)
trading 100k for kitpvp cash just post your offers below.
IGN: LeeLee4TW Offender's name: [See Video] Evidence: OK, I got scammed 600 on kitpvp and I need It back!!! Make him pay what he scammed me. [media]
As you can see, you cant see post from ban appeals and reports, only moderators can. You report someone but no one can see it except moderators....
can we add this command to skyblock?
Should we make a server on minecraft pocket edition?
Enabling /fix command so that we can fix damaged armour. Gods and Titans only :P