close pls @TADS
Your ingame name: 1913 The offender's exact ingame name: miner12 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Scamming Evidence/full...
Hello, I'm looking for someone to buy me an MC account, and buy it Premium. Most of my goodies are on Prison, however I'm pretty rich on kitpvp if...
Im trading my account, which is Titan, for Madden Mobile coins. Must be Auction house 3. pm me
As many of us kitpvp players know, the prices for rare items have dropped dramatically. A majority of the players have alt accounts full of...
Your ingame name: quadg0d The offender's ingame name: YoShadowJr/zDocBlock A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Once I got...
Your ingame name: quadg0d The offender's ingame name: FatBoy2016 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Macros....
Your ingame name: quadg0d The offender's ingame name: YoShadow A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: He uses macros, which I've...
Your ingame name: S4ND3RS The offender's ingame name: iStrafeDaily A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: They gave out a person...
Introduction: Welcome to the Amerinide Clan :). We are an elite clan, the best of the best. (I'm an exception, I know, I'm bad) You will be added...
so no one will probs reply cause Im a loser with no friends, but if you would like me to say what I think about you, just post below. Also I...
Your ingame name: quadcrafters The offender's ingame name: xXPvPKingsxX A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: A hack called...
Hey guys, I'm trading my Elite account for a $25 iTunes gift card. I will msg you the name of the account in a pm. Serious buyers only. Thanks :)
@Paradox close please :)
I'm not to sure if this should go under the OPPrison section, so I will just put it here. c; Basically I am trading 17 trillion in-game spending...
Your ingame name: The offender's ingame name: A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Evidence/screenshots....
hey guys, I'm trading 49 gold blocks for either a $25 or $50 iTunes Gift Card. I will have a mod middleman so its fair both ways. That is if you...
Your ingame name: quadcrafters The offender's ingame name: coolman870 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Scammed me....
My exact in game name is: quadcrafters My purchased rank is/was: Titan My exact issue and or game mode where the problem is: Someone downgraded me...
My clan name is Stabs on Clash of Clans. There may be other clans named that, so look for my name: Chief Shan (IRL name is Sean not Shan.. just...