Since the old one was lost due to major plot issue I now introduce to you Radiance Gardens version 2 a better improved version. After the major...
My Plot radiance Gardens has automaticly switched Owners and Pile is very Confused figuring out that its mine so i have Closed it Down until the...
In mineverse i built a replica of the kingdom of Meridell from the ps2 game Neopets The Darkest faerie and It Looks Pretty awesome
So I was saving money so i could afford a beacon but i could never reach that amount so I kept on trying. after a little while Survival reset and...
11/8 is dislike and 7/3 is like 2/1 is like it the most 11. Army men Reason Too Hard 10. Super Mario bros: reason really difficult maps 9....
Would it be cool if Mods were allowed in Mineverse and i do not mean moderators i mean the kind of mods that add stuff to the game. if mods were...
well here is the screenshot i took before adding the banners and The Buildings
well I gave up on making barriers return so now I am not mad at the owners anymore so I was going to add them but I found out that Pile the...
a few things I would like to see mineverse someday is a new lobby because It has been the same since 2016 I would like a newer one and at least...
I am Posting This Because i Feel Really bad that i was acting like a Jerk to all of You and i am Very sorry about Everything i've Done i Was...
Your in-game name Paulgrunt01 What timezone are you in? Eastern Timezone What country do you live in? United States Of America What languages do...
Ok I Am Going to say The reason why I Am against The Ban of Barriers First of all You may say they never worked Well Thats Not True Its False some...
a Fellow Player named Laylaheart65 Stole my Plot from me and Didn't Even ask That is A Problem It was Not even abandoned And She Took It its Not...
So Today i Had passed Between 3 Griefs and They are Old Plots and I Have To say This THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT STAFF YOU RUINED MINEVERSE THAT...
I had a Idea for The Lobby The current Looby look is Getting Old But Why Not Change It To Look awesome My Idea is Place The Wither storm From...
I Want The Barriers To return The Most But i would Invite a Special Guest Into Mineverse DanTDM he has over 16,000,000 Million subscribers no...
Dear CypriotMerks I am Very Mad At You For Ruining Mineverse It was My Favorite Minecraft Server I Also Found Out That You Banned Barriers Our...
I Explore Plots And Many Are Abandoned and More Are Getting Abandoned Note These Abandoned plots Used To Belong to Players that Left Mineverse...
a Year ago Mineverse was one of the Most Popular Servers On Minecraft But since barriers were Disabled It Became the least And Now The Number of...
Get This Noobcrew Since Last Year Less Players are Joining Creative And the Barriers Being disabled has Become a Problem as They Were used For...