I didn't even listen to the recording, i don't have time hopefully you wont laugh, Well the answers is simple and short since i didn't have that...
How old are you? I don't talk about my age so often and don't want the people who read this to judge me on how old i am. But if you really need to...
Hey <3! Ok so i decided to follow the trend and make a AMA ( Ask Me Anything ) Hopefully i'll get some questions to answer :) Ok just to warn...
See you guys and girls in 2 weeks, i may post something. ♥
I suggest that we allow sponges on prison since in a snapshot a new boss have been added in that snapshot, im not sure if it will be added though...
This is what happends when a idiot (HAPPY?) summon a wither at plots. [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
1. Layers12 2. Cr33per99 3. Scamming 4. [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
1. Layers12 2. Ichidna 3. Swearing 4. [ATTACH]
1. Layers12 2. Finlaya 3. Scamming me. 4. [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] I would love to have my p4 back.
1. Layers12 2. PlatinumReach 3. Scamming me, the deal was 1300 on skyblock for 56k on prison. And i payed him half first and he paid me 10k on...
Hey, i was a B-Prisoner and i donated to sponsor:artist: And i losted the prefix, i know it's not like a big problem but people call me noob...
Hey everybody watching this thread, You probably know me as Layers12 from the forums or the nooby pvper from kitpvp. Im cind an boring normal 14...
1. Layers12 2. juksutron3000 , wgdude , dougal1972 3. Contraband 4. [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
1. Layers12 2. lightningfingers 3. Asking me to island farm for him, again im not sure if this is illegal (Dont hate) 4. [ATTACH]
1. Layers12 2. Minor_Master 3. HAcks 4.[media]
1. Layers12 2. WarPenguinz 3. auction fake item 4.[ATTACH] You see on the text that it's like this that means that it have been renamed in an...
1. Layers12 2. idminecraft388 3. Poke said you should report any player that names start with idminecraft and i saw one online right now on...
1. layers12 2. Alexander_2003 or Bubble_Kid 3. Like farming im not sure if they are from The same ip though. 4. [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
1. Layers12 2. Vdrengen 3. Hacks 4.[media]
1. Layers12 2. zorex900 3. Hacks 4.[media]