I don't know if anyone has made a thread about this yet, but, the disagree rating is a negative rating. I'm pretty sure disagree doesn't mean...
Why is it a negative rating? Someone disagreeing to you isn't bad I don't think. I think this should be changed to neutral ;-;
There are too many people posting in other people's appeals. There's a stickied thread specifically stating Do NOT post in other's appeals unless...
Add it pl0x. People can use it to appeal to be forgiven by admitting what they did wrong :p
hi my name is so2315 or DuckfaceSo :> and this thread will be about me and some facts. My IRL name is Sean._ I am 13 years old. I am in 7th...
So on there are tons of faces under this little tab thing. Well, I was suggesting you add more faces like the ones of