shoutout da real ones playin back in the 2014 dayz, infection, kitpvp n oppvp. yall some real 1z ong. only good memories from mineverse
how do i access my trophys now or can i not?
whats the discord link? someone send x
Hello everyone! Today im doing a massive giveaway of my account! Ranks On Servers. GOD = Mineverse Legend = Mineplex Hypixel = MVP+ Skywars =...
Hello everyone today I am giving my minecraft account away one of you lucky people will be winning this, now this account has a lot of ranks on it...
Offenders Ign: Placinq My ing:zCrits Proof:Screen shots.[ATTACH][ATTACH] [ATTACH][ATTACH] Cussing at a lot of people in chat. And a lot of people...
I was just wondering how a Much a God alt would sell for on Kitpvp..Because I may be selling one soon...My guess is 10-20-30k?
[media] kbai
Hello I would just like to say I lost my rank after changing my name I was rank God. My new Ign Glowing_PvP My old one: Samfordlenihan...
My ign:Glowing_PvP Offenders ign:ClassifiedPvp Hacking. [media]
I changed my name to Noobcrews_Dad and I lost my rank of Infection skywars skyblock ect But I have a Video of me playing Infection which is proof...
My ign: Samfordlenihan The offenders IGN: ZaMpAgE Why?: Kill aura and some colour code hack D: Proof: Video.... [media]
So, Will the people who changed their name get there rank and Iteams back that they lost? Or will the be lost? FOREVER?
Well lately slot of people have been quitting, there are hardly any mods on, people have lost their gear on gamemodes, people cant join because...
I'm a god and I have /jump but... I thinks it's to OP Because people who have sky bases can get raided easily by Donors with /jump... Please...
My ING: Samfordlenihan The offenders IGN: CAMILOMF Swearing over and over again... Sceenshots[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
My ign:Samfordlenihan Offenders Ign:LittleHansel Proof?: Video [media]
So I thought of the idea of mixing up the order of the infection maps. This is the order now. Temple, Jungle, Forest, Mineshaft, Hallowen,...
I was just look thru YouTube and I saw this...... I'm wondering if this is cyp... Or just some other random guy:) [media]