Some people might think the anti-cheat is a good thing, but i do not think so, and so do others, the anti-cheat plugin eater needs some updating...
I dont know if this was my inactivity, or an update or something but... I LOST MY PLOT I worked very hard on it and its gone... dose anyone else...
Kit Pvp: $646 and 10 gold ingots survival: $50k factions: $400k, 24 gold block, 39 iron block, four sharp IV swords three sharp V swords, three...
Well... here it is! hope you enjoy! SPAWNPOINT: the dock made by: Builders: @D1amondF1nder11 @Mangoorange @stealthbomber320 Idea generator:...
Screenshot 1: An abandon logger farm Screenshot 2: An abandon bank Screenshot 3: An abandon lakeside cafe Screenshot 4: An abandon nature park...
on opprison if you wanna make money fast you go mining right? but it would be even faster if you could do like /sell or hit f4 or something to...
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] my ign: D1amondF1nder11 offenders ign: DragonFusionV offence:...
I do free fixes on opprison and it takes so long cause it says like you can do this for another two a secs also we should get rid of the /warp...
1: D1amondF1nder11 2: DifusedAtom 3: advertising 4: sorry about this "quality" but its the only screen shot i got.[ATTACH]
my ign: D1amondF1nder11 offenders ign: Oddivar13 offence: Scamming proof: [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
she said her casino was "approved by mods, and safe to play" 1: D1amondF1nder11 2: Piggy_8 3: scammng 4:[ATTACH] [ATTACH]
I made a thread about this earlier and i was resolved all my shops were working properly until yesterday, just out of the blue random chests...
1: D1amondF1nder11 2: oddivar13 3: scamming 4:[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
my ign: D1amondF1nder11 offenders ign: le90_luke offence: advertising proof:[ATTACH]
I was looking for an old lycoan pickaxe and he said he had one so I bought it and the enchants were NOT 275 275 275...
my ing: D1amondF1nder11 offenders ign: theXboxcoolguy85 problem: spam (this has been going on for like 30 mins)[ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Please explain this to me [ATTACH]
I have items in my shop chest I rechecked my chest shop with /item info I did everything. but when someone trys to buy any of my picks or god...
I was just playing on OP pvp lowering my beacon price to 10k and this dude named kruiskop OPENED MY SHOP CHEST and stole all 48 beacons!!!! and...
[ATTACH]I yoused my comme crate key but didn't get the rare one [ATTACH]