Hello, as you read from the title I want a upgrade from Elite to Supreme, for a GREAT deal. Supreme is a 30$ upgrade, which in return equals a...
Ever wish your favorite Minecraft server would have a special gift for you, on your birthday?! Well... Don't worry. I believe that on your...
Essentially I was on was on infection, and a player by the name of, DevilsPoison said "0zzieMore ddosed server". I later wanted clarification, so...
IGN/Team Name: PopJava[IMG] Map Name: Zombie Yard Gamemode for Map: Infection Description of Map: Zombie Yard is a map based on a grave yard...
Hey, so on infection, I saw this from iHaxPro[IMG] [IMG] He has made comment like these to DayaTheWolf several times. Btw, open the IMG in a new...
I think that infection needs new maps, the maps on infection currently are great, but can we get new maps? Infection is a great gamemode, and it...
Hey, I have been on this server for only one day, and I love it! My IGN: PopJava My favorite Gamemodes so far are, KitPvP, Survival, Skywars, and...
My IGN: PopJava Offenders Name: TechElement Rule Broken: Other players had suspicion that he had some kinda of hack. What I can describe is...
Other players suspected he had some kind of hack, and here is proof that he admits to have been hacking on KitPvp.[IMG][/url][/IMG] [IMG]...