I stored sharp 40s and sharp 35s in the /ah expired and i kept it in there for a while because it never said that it would get deleted after a...
1) darkknessfalls 2) Kaden4y 3) scamming [MEDIA] Is there a way i can get my fishing rod back?
Im giving away 4k, 2 fishing rods, 10 sharp 30's 10 stacks of gaps on op pvp for whoever upgrades me to elite. My ign is IRodYouSwing message me...
1) IRodYouSwing 2) Tastiest 3) hacking At 19 seconds he has auto armor if u watch it in slow motion u will see it. He also toggles his aura. [MEDIA]
1) IRodYouSwing 2) Varisized 3) Hacking (auto clicking) I suggest to watch it in slow motion. [MEDIA]
1) IRodYouSwing 2) TeddyBearsFTWSL 3) ban evading http://imgur.com/a/IMWK8
1) IRodYouSwing 2) TeddyBearsFTW 3) scamming [MEDIA]
1) IRodYouSwing 2) TeddyBearsFTW 3) Scamming I also have screenshots of him saying he has alts that he will put all his stuff on his alts....
1) IRodYouSwing 2) Ng_Cola and NowYourMad 3) hacking [MEDIA]
1) IRodYouSwing 2) HunterZolomon 3) hacking [MEDIA]
1) IRodYouSwing 2) Wolf_Beast_ 3) hacking [MEDIA]
1) IRodYouSwing 2) 1234ant 3) tp trapping [MEDIA]
1) IRodYouSwing 2) bjj02 3) hacking [MEDIA]
1) IRodYouSwing 2) phillipstauning 3) hacking [MEDIA]
1) IRodYouSwing 2) WildFire1999 3) tp trapping [MEDIA]
1) IRodYouSwing 2) wihite_lightning 3) hacking [MEDIA]
1) IRodYouSwing 2) LuukIsDomPomPom 3) Hacking [MEDIA]
1) IRodYouSwing 2) Masonboy1 3) death threats [ATTACH]
1) IRodYouSwing 2) BoGamerZ 3) Hacking [MEDIA]