Honestly, we have people on MV with like 20 bans. Like Spearling. Every time that god ranker Spearling gets banned he just gets on an alt, In my...
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: RippinNecks The offender's exact ingame name: Turrent...
Nowdays its inpossible to kill someone on oppvp cause when someone is on 1 heart your hits dont register. if mineverse somehow wants to keep some...
I was playing OpPvP i got TomOnFire down to 2 hearts I was 2 blocks from him.... but then my hits don't register. The amount of lag for the people...
Your ingame name: Destabilizing The offender's exact ingame name: superboy20050 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it:He using...
Your ingame name: Destabilizing The offender's exact ingame name: Cancer42069 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: He used...
Hey there some people have the better pvp mod with togglesneak. My question is how change the place of the (ToggleSprint[Toggled]). In this video...
does anyone know what's MV's first forum member. Cyp is 10 Noob is 2 and Pile is like 1800 or something anyone know?
Your InGameName : ZombieSkrillex Offenders username : SQuape_8888 What rule did they broke : Ban evading on their alt. Eviedence :...
So basicly zDraqo got banned by Methylone for nothing. Some staffs should really type in on youtube : Tenebrous using autoclicker as an example to...
I wanted to join mineverse yesterday and today and it just says "Connecting to the server". And if I can join i get 5 bars for 3 sec and then it...
Some guy on mineverse recorded a video with the same pack but I couldnt find the video so Iused this video. [MEDIA]
As you know you get banned for 1 month if you hack on mineverse. I think we should add a temp-ip ban cause I have some prime examples of rankers...
As you may know OpPvP and KitPvP are one of mineverse biggest gamemodes. And ping is an asset for pvp but almost 85% of the people have 4 bars or...
if i have 1000 messages it says your a boss member or something where can i find the tropys that say how much messages you need to get for a trhopy
So when i came on 1 month ago all my stuff was reseted. I was mad but okay i did kit op kit vip and when off. The next day i got reseted again i...
I already reported him on forums but I wanted to show this to the community so they can judge. He was pretty sketchy he took 0 kb so i recorded...
Your ingame name: Osenator The offender's exact ingame name: Pocidel A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Autoclicker/kb...
Hey so I made this thread because I know that this server has quite good pvpers in their community that may can help me So I the have the razer...
Hello there. I am doing a rank upgrade for very much stuff on oppvp I will upgrade for atleast 10 sharp 30s and 5 stacks gapps.