voorhees196 XxXTechBoyXxX ddos threats screen shots
So recently I have been banned for death threats, and I didnt say it. the person who has reported me has edited the gyazos to make it look like I...
On kitpvp1, the new one, the commander rank sign should be made so when you have already purchased the rank, you can not buy it again. The other...
Towny was released today and someone already found the end portal! FlexUp was the player who found it..... so here's some screenis to show that...
MR_B3N_123 XxXTechBoyXxX screen shots: advertising another server [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
After doing countless hours of research into this case.. I have discoverd all the facts.. [ATTACH] As you can see on herfs profile picture...
Ign: me name is XxXTechBoyXxX but u can call me XxX or tech or boy or XxX. What time zone you are from: I can't be bothered to search this so...
The game, it's not really a game doe, all you have to do is chose two things you hate and put them together, simple. Here's an example:...
First of all I know I'm Gona get hate "for going against a senior mod" But this is too.... Just look, see if this is hacks....
Who has been on the server the longest?.... Who is the OGEST player???.... Well... I don't know, you guys, and girls, tell me who the OG player is.
ok this is crazy but i think i got hacked, ppl keep saying that i got hacked and got messaged on yt and they keep saying that they saw me...
This doesn't necessarily have to be added but a kill streak message like, "Bob has got a kill streak of 15 kills" Is cool. And yes it may not be...
Hi, my name is tech, aka TechHacks or XxXFudgeBoyXxX or mainly known as XxXTechBoyXxX < u spell that with an X and then a X and another X and a T...
[ATTACH] Please don't ban me, I only have 17%, I don't have enough to appeal.
XxXTechBoyXxX Tader death threats evidence: [ATTACH]
this isnt a real thread just for loids, he was laging crazy and i dont know to send him the link soo.... [ATTACH]
these r the real TRYHARDs but its pretty cool[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Don't you hate it when people always dress so weird like the new "trend" people wearing really long shirts too big for them that go below their...
so I've been thinking (not normal for me) and i think there should be a YouTuber rank. It could help contunsly promote MV. U can apply in forums...
join the Curry army?? [ATTACH]