Introduction: Hello, my name is Toott I am prefered to be called either Jess or Jessy. You know, to make it easier on you or whoever is using it....
Hey everyone! I actually haven't checked in on the forums for around a year now, mostly because Mineverse the server itself is losing everything....
ImToothakeYT's Moderator Application Introduction Hi everyone! I am ImToothakeYT, but many people just call me Tooth or Toothake. I am 14 years...
Offender: ICSpeedyHD My IGN: ImToothakeYT What he did: Scammed me, I said that if he bought me elite i would give him 10 etokens. I gave him it,...
Hi everyone, I was thinking of added a pickaxe drop verification to op prison on this server. Many people lose pickaxes because they accidentaly...
My IGN: XtraToothakes User Reporting: CatTahmeed Reasons: Anvil Killing and Death Threats in chat Evidence: Anvil:
My IGN: XtraToothakes Offender's IGN: MagicMiner873 Rule broken: Scam for a...
My IGN: XtraToothakes Offender's IGN: themagicman09 Rule broken: Death Threats Evidence: Note: Even though he said he...
My IGN: XtraToothakes Offender's IGN: JoelKixx8 Rule broken: Death Threats Evidence: Thanks Tooth
Hey everyone! So, on opprison, people have started to use anvils at their plot to kill other people. So, anyone without diamond armor will die. I...
My IGN: ImToothakeYT Offender's IGN: hoesallday Reason: Shop sign scam, said in chat "Sell etokens at my plot for money" but the sign was sell for...
Sorry, I messed up on this and the player gave me stuff afterward.
Hi, I was playing OP Prison and _ICYB3AR was saying mean comments in chat. Evidence: Thanks! Toothake
Hi, I was just playing OP Prison and _ICYB3AR was spamming this youtube video. Evidence: Thanks! Toothake
Hey everyone, SQUADDDDD
Hi Mineversians, I was thinking of adding the game TnT wars into Mineverse! TnT wars is a game where there are two teams, and they make Tnt...
Tooth's Two Month Late Introdution! About me: Many people know me by now, and have some decent information about me, but I'm gonna say it to the...
Are you lagging a lot these days on mineverse? I sure am lagging! I use optifine, which doubles my FPS, and I almost never lag. These few days on...
Hi everyone! I think it started yesterday, but OP Prison had an update. Now, at people's plots, you are not able to sell stuff. I tried selling...
Offender: younggyunmoon01 Swearing in chat Evidence: