Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: gingerpaws The offender's exact ingame name: sullyd02...
my wifi is being mean [IMG]
comment for a tbh because im bored *i did this cause everyone does tbhs so lol*
Loxella LocalColt Disrespect
Loxella Corbyte Disrespect said "Hope you get brain cancer" What I really did get brain cancer?
xJacon ( He didn't have a forums acc and he asked me to report the player for him so he did all the screenshots and stuff) And my ign is Loxella...
Loxella jerrrbear SPAM ;3
Loxella jerrrbear Spam
Loxella jerrrbear Swear + repeating the same thing
Loxella BluepieGaming and DidiScratch SWEAR! This my 2nd time reporting them both btw ;p
Loxella BluepieGaming SWEAR!!! and being RUDEEE!@!!! I did 4 screens and she said lots bad stuff and i think its a ban idk ;3
Loxella DidiScratch Calling me a *****
Loxella MR_B3N_123 Being Rude to me and rihanna The other screenshot is not letting me file it on here. Sorry D:
Loxella JohnMark2004 Said wanna****me?
Loxella Mr_B3N_123 Swear
Loxella ben1020 Swear
Loxella iLunaq and oSplash Swearing
Loxella iSnorlaxxx Said st*u to lion wich is rude
Loxella Destroyer1121 Said i don't know ******* know *****
Loxella BlackVegan Said why's this ***** *** ***** looking at me!