Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: LamoidZombieDog The offender's exact ingame name:...
Hi! i see they changed the template a LOT and i see now i can select where im from! well as you see im from the US! being i want to make the most...
HAPPY NEWYEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
im reporting: Bleachinq my IGN is LamoidZombieDog so Bleachinq cussed in the chat, somewhat slightly spamed the chat and used a hack to change...
im reporting: GetWreckedNoob my ign: LamoidZombieDog so yeah nother spammer, font hacker :P heres all the proof below:...
my IGN: LamoidZombieDog im reporting Xert1510 3 Videos with proof all down below enjoy [MEDIA] [MEDIA] [MEDIA] ik i had to add that...
my IGN: LamoidZombieDog Who im reporting: ryu2_jp ok so i have this YT vid about 4 secconds long showing the length of his Spam and showing he is...
my ign: LamoidZombieDog who im reporting: Nerpicornus_Rex Ok so heres 2 Pictures:
im an adidiot for asking this and im almost completely sure the answer is no but im just confirming it, i have a report here:...
hey! my ign is LamoidZombieDog im reporting Vulpiz for advertiseing! 2 times in one night i saw him advertiseing here is 2 screen shots of proof...
helloooo back with a nother report :) so my IGN is LamoidZombieDog the person i am reporting is Makmix295! here is the full screen proof on gyazo...
Hello :) as you may know there are more then 1 mineverse server ip! .net and .org! theres also i believe... when...
so i got this guy speedybuilder100 he is claiming he is reporting me for a sign on my plot... the sign said a short ip... now u may think BAN HIM...
Player im reporting: FunnyGoldenStar My IGN: LamoidZombieDog so heres the other report of the IP being publicly passed arround... Proof:...
Player being reported: Itz_Hayliee My IGN: LamoidZombieDog so ive done a lot of advertiseing reports... idk if this counts but i had som eppl...