I honestly love pot pvp, i know a lot of people that like potion pvp. I was talking to some people and they said they would love for potion pvp to...
Your ingame name: Potionix The offender's exact ingame name: Lithiium A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: They Were A...
I vote LeafyIsHere. A fan war is happening. Leafy made a video kinda roasting a autistic guy and the guy made a video about him crying and leafy's...
1. HeyItsPikab00 2. Dmoreno10 3. Scamming, and lying 4. https://gyazo.com/870d9eac43eb359d9267e9fc1d18276b
1. Your ingame name. Pikab00 2. The offender's Exact ingame name. GetR3ktNigga 3. A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it....
I was recently banned from Mineverse thanks to TADS4, but someone said there was a reset on infection. I hope this didn't happen because i know a...
I have made a Infection map I call Arena. I hope this will take the place of Desert since that map is very prone to block glitchers. From what I...