My name _BlackGod His name Itz_Ecigamer_Yt As evidence i was recording him. Banned [MEDIA]
My name _BlackGod His name ImJustABaby I rec him as evidence. Go to 1 minute and 18 sec to see he's killaura. [MEDIA]
My name _BlackGod hes name o_minecraftlover I rec him [MEDIA]
He hacked killaura and i rec ( Watch the whole video ) My name _BlackGod hes name WannaSkype Rec [MEDIA]
My Ingame name is: _BlackGod Hes is Xripxz I have proof i recorded him Go to the 3:00 and there u see it better
My name is _BlackGod Hes name Jakehare2000 I rec him as proof he would pay 50k for a p4 !! [MEDIA]
I got some homophobic for you mods My name _BlackGod hes name ChallenginqJr He told i wad gay and i read the rules so i report him here is the...
My name _BlackGod hes name ViktorPP8 Rec Vid: [MEDIA] @ItsSniiper
I rec the hacker My name is _BlackGod Hes name is ItzCoble Here is the Rec Ban himm!!! : [MEDIA]
My name is _BlackGod and the hacker name is TobiasHaugeli I Screenshotted when he fly and when he told what hacks he use he killed me whit...
My name: _BlackGod Hes Name: Performinq Screenshotted She told me to tpa i have a raid Here :
My name: _BlackGod Hes name: GorkSmash I rec as evidence [MEDIA]
My name:n X_ItsHero_X Hes name Redendz He hacked I have a rec of it Ez ban vid is here: [MEDIA]
My name X_ItsHero_X Hes name OnlineGamer56 He broke the rule hacking I rec him as evidence Here is the vid: [MEDIA]
My name X_ItsHero_X I change it to BlackGod Over a Week Hes name Arnyater27 He broke a rule hacking I rec that my evidence Here is the vid thx...
My name X_ItsHero_X Hes name Justcombo04 evidence i rec him here the vid: [MEDIA]
My name X_ItsHero_X hes name zHydraPvPKing evidence i rec him. Thanks for ur time: [MEDIA]
I recorded a tptrapper Named : Tobiashaugeli My name : X_ItsHero_X Hes name Tobiashaugeli He broke the rule and thats Tp trapping my evidence is...
Hes ingame name : NitrosPvP My ingamename: X_ItsHero_X I wrote the rules and He broke them I toke a Screenshot :...
My name is X_Itshero_X Hes name is Nielso6 He Broke a rule cause i wrote the rules and i saw If u Call someone Like Hey you Stupid idiot u will...