Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: MedicalWeed The offender's exact ingame name: bobXRAY...
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: MedicalWeed The offender's exact ingame name:...
Your ingame name: MedicalWeed The offender's exact ingame name: NoHaxJustSkillz5 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Glitch...
My in game name is MedicalWeed Offender's in game name is Quincy585 Rule broke: Death threat or wish, I don't know which one. Evidence:...
My in game name is MedicalWeed Offender's in game name is Pure_Champion Rule Broken: Scamming Evidence:
My in game name is MedicalWeed. The offender's in game name is CatTahmeed. He broke the rule of glitch abuse by anvil killing on his plot....
My in game name is MedicalWeed The people who insided my town and nation were Rlxtreme and IDropKidz, Rlxtreme took all of the money from the bank...
My in game name is MedicalWeed. Offender's exact ingame name: Pure_Champion. Rule broken: hacking, using safe walk. Evidence: [MEDIA]
Recently on survival, someone told me to go to /warp bordercontrol and then punched me into the border. I am now dead and crash whenever I get on....
I honestly liked the old mineverse better. I liked the mods more, the server was more popular and the new maps aren't as good in my opinion.
I have noticed some of my friends like to use MineChat. If you didn't know, MineChat is a app on your phone that you can use to talk in Minecraft....
I have noticed that if you /hub when the map is getting selected before the game starts and go back, you wont spawn when the game starts. If you...
I heard a couple of rumors going around about Mineverse getting shut down in 1.9.3!!! Will this happen?!?! If so will we get our money back for...
My in game name is Cmoreno32 as you can see by my forum username. A player known as VerdenDeBoss said, "Cmoreno32 go shoot urself." It intimidates...
My friend was online, but in /friends it still said he was offline. I think this is a glitch. Here is a screenshot of him saying something in...
1. Cmoreno32 2. xXDerickXx 3. blackmailed a player 4.
About me My name is Charles. I live in Los Angeles, California and I like to play basketball. How old are you? I am currently 12 years old,...
To many people have been getting scammed. There is a solution to fix this! We need /trade. So you can type /trade [username] and put the item in...
My in game name: Cmoreno32 Offender's in game name: madxbird madxbird made a death threat