Anvils should be working. All the time. Everywhere. On plots. On other peoples plots. Efficiently. Easily. Glitch free. Allowed.
*pulls out bloody knife* I'll kill you if you don't.
So all I did was ask for an arrow and ParanormalPizza will give it to me <3 Here:...
Give me CypriotMerks head for free on OP Prison. Also, make me a moderator. I know where you live.
I need help. And you can help me by giving me 1 arrow on OP Prison. Thank you.
Im a god rank, at U. Do you have any suggestions on how to mine? My best pick is titan with 505 eff
I went to skycollins plot and saw a wall of rare items on the left. How do you get each of these? How much do each cost? Also, next to the items,...
On the shop page, it says that you can redeem a code. What gift card is this? Is there a Mineverse gift card?