Honestly this server either needs to get an anticheat or be ready for my $100 chargeback. Just lost 2 sharp 35s because i got killed by some...
Can the Mineverse admins actually revive the server before it completely dies and has 0 players? Pay some youtubers some money, they make videos,...
OP PvP needs to be fixed there are a lot of issues with it. LAG : Hit detection, Knockback, Gap lag all of it gives me mutiple STDs.) HACKERS :...
This is not a report just a warning that xSuarPvP asked me for an account and he wants to ban evade on op pvp http://prntscr.com/coi68k
Your in-game name: My IGN is Glumed. What timezone are you in? UTC+04:00 ( 4 hours ahead of the UK) What country do you live in? The UAE/Dubai...
Your ingame name: Glumed The offender's exact ingame name: Fireman_Laser A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it:Advertising...
As a lot of you know there are clans on kitpvp but no clans on OP-PvP which I find a bit stupid because Clans on OP-PvP would be lit! :) Lemme...
Tell us what you think by answering this stawpoll. http://www.strawpoll.me/10862219
IGN: Glumed Hacker's IGN: YouWillLose Hacks: Kill Aura Speed and Anti Knockback Proof: [MEDIA]
Hello my name is Kieran but a lot of people know me as Glumed, I am sponsor rank on the mine verse server. I used to play mineverse daily and I...