Hello c: So I changed the name of my account from anonymous_one to AuxcordPapi, and made sure to screenshot everything i had on all servers just...
IGN: anonymous_one Offender: Strix0z I recommend IP banning strix0z, he has alts and griefed me again (after the previous deal)
IGN: Anonymous_one offender: Strix0Z (its a zero, not an o) event: He scammed me. told me he would stop griefing around my base for 500k in game....
One way or another, we've all heard of this issue. Most of us already know that people can hack player heads into Mineverse quite easily, but not...
IGN: Anonymous_one offender: Devonleer Scammed me haha. told me he would give me four diamonds for 2 sticky pistons, then I gave the sticky...
Yeah, basically that^ Felt like I wasn't getting anything out of the relationship, so I ended it for now. Gonna be really difficult for me to...
my IGN: Anonymous_One offender: VictorPatino He logged online and admitted to hacking his way through the lobby (which he is banned on) into...
2 Progression shots of my latest build on Mineverse Survival, What yall think?? :D any suggestions? comments? leave them below! :D <33
Anonymous_One's Moderator Application Introduction: Hello! :D My name is Luke Sutherland (IGN is Anonymous_One). I am a 16 year old from the Bay...
Im making this thread because I fail to see why people would hack in the game. Personally I don't come across it that much, but it still doesn't...
I can't change my account's profile picture. I am attempting to upload a .jpg image and it will not load, even if i click "okay". am i doing...
I have no idea what happened, but i got this msg when i try to put on capes lol c: pls fix, I wanna see mah skin xD <3333
Forums Account Name: Luke Sutherland IGN: Anonymous_One Brothers IGN: Terrowyn Offender: Rick547 I bought a town from Rick547 for 2 million, and...
Forum Account Name: Luke Sutherland Offenders: Jgrimm76 (he has an alt named Jgrimm73) JGrimm76 Advertised a Death Warp (As seen in attached...
Hello, Forums Account Name: Luke Sutherland Offender: No Forum Account Three players attempted to tp kill me on Survival (my IGN is...