So i dont know what to put this under so i put it under rant. But anyways why dont you guys bring the old factions back with rollback command?...
IGN: _Equinox_ Offender: LightStrafez Reason For Report?: Glitch Abusing In Factions There Is a Pool On The Side Of Spawn Where You Can Not Be...
IGN: _Equinox_ Offender: LightStrafez Reason For Report?: Glitch Abusing If you don't know in...
Hello. Today while I was playing Skygrid and Pocidel said he was going to leak my pics on the forums....
Hey mineverse! While playing op pvp today A guy by the name of "iFapDaily" told his friend to look.After he showed her he said My auto clicker.I...
Hey mineverse! While i was playing op pvp with my friends we started to pvp "PersuadinqJr" After we killed her she msg my friend "Guess whos gonna...
Hey! While i was playing op pvp a guy said kys to me.Then he said commit suicide nerd.Any support is great! <3
Hey guys so i was just calming playing factions xD Then i came across a hacker guy.I'm usually chill about hackers buy he was just pissing me...