Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: hyrdropython04 The offender's exact ingame name:...
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: hydropython04 The offender's exact ingame name:...
My IGN: hyrdropythono4 Scammer IGN: Pure_Champion What did he do: Pure_Champion basically scammed me off of a Tomahawk. I needed one in my...
MY ign: hyrdropython04 Hackers IGN: FARES_SKY What did he do: He ran across water in kit archer... This makes him a hacker
my ign: hyrdropython04 WolfSuchti threatened to ddos me and reveal my ip address after i accused him of hacking.
Disrespectful and very rude to others: myself my ign: DayumPuggieIsBae Offender:SliperyScales
PLZ HELP me YALL. I contacted mojang for a new accoutn, but the guy i talked to said he doesn't have permission to give me a new one and he is...
my ign: FriedZucchini16 Person im reporting : flames83 See screenshot
My Ign: FriedZucchini16 Disrespectful person : PheonixHD
My username : FriedZucchini16 Hacker: KittyPvPs For the last 30 min, Kitty has been running across water in kit archer (Doesnt have depth...
My IGn: FriedZucchini16 Person im reporting Protection_VI Threatened to hack someone
Aviators scammed me 1.3k for VIP upgrade. Ban him
Dear Mineverse community, i have been scammed 1058 for sponsor rank. As seen from the supplied screenshot, I paid EpicLash_ and he quit, and I...
I GOT DDOSES BY B3n benneta
Dear Mods, Three weeks ago, something strange happened. HeyImCritz logged in claiming to be Rodeen, however, they started to kill everyone. This...