Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: SlappinqHoes The offender's exact ingame name:...
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: Grapeon The offender's exact ingame name: Stefanking2...
Well, what I did was change my name and my skin on minecraft and I can't log into Mineverse now. Maybe it's that I'm running optifine? I also...
Some servers on MV are pay 2 win, they used to be like that. Now it's not really but they still haven't changed it and I think it's unfair for...
Read before application: So you know my experience with Mineverse The servers that I play on are, Archer PvP, Op PvP, Kit PvP(New one), and...
My Ign: Grapeon Hacker's Ign: Inter10maggio Once again just chilling in kitpvp then this guy wanted to be a showoff and no slow me to the death...
My Ign: Grapeon Hackers' Igns: RawSteak145 SexyDarkVenom So I was just chilling, playing some kitpvp (the best) and, all...
My Ign is: Grapeon Hacker's Ign: HarambeL So, I died with my full pp4 multiple sets of it by a hacker and sadly didn't get any video proof of it...
My IGN: Grapeon My Time zone: Pacific Standard time. My Country: United States. Languages I speak: English. Is 2FA enabled? Yes. Can I capture...