Your ingame name: Ninja_Shark The offender's ingame name: DarkXxkiller29 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: scamming...
Your ingame name: bjgenie The offender's ingame name: cyrusrock1 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it:Scamming...
Hello. I am genie. I have 2 ideas for GTA 1. How about adding a police? 2.How about adding a different cars(Some minecart but different speed)?
Your ingame name: bjgenie The offender's ingame name: GavinHenrich11 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Scamming...
Your ingame name: bjgenie The offender's ingame name: fighter152 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: kill aura...
My game name is geniebyun. I play kitpvp the most than prison. I love mineverse like you guys do. I have my Youtube channel. The link to my...
Hi i am Genie. I record mineverse kitpvp and 1vs1 serious. If u want to watch it you can check it out. My Channel link:...
1. geniebyun 2. tumblr_daisy 3. fast bow!! 4.[media]
1. geniebyun 2. MtnDewkid1254 , ImaKillerKenny 3. fast bow 4.[media]
1. geniebyun 2. up2U115 3. Fast bow 4. [media]
1. geniebyun 2. palmettodude1999 3. Fast bow 4.[media]
1. geniebyun 2. phinephine 3. Anti_knockback 4. [media]
1. geniebyun 2. burton_alcide 3. spamming 4.
I think that donate ranks should get a good armor then /kit op. sharpness 25 is way better than sharpness 5. But If u eat super golden apples,...
Why does supreme gets powerV bow.But God/Titan gets powerIV bow. God/Titan is higher donate ranks but why does God/Titan doesn't get powerV bow...
1. geniebyun 2. Jake78750 3. Scamming 4. [media]
1. geniebyun 2. badman168 3. Being Rude 4.
1. geniebyun 2. Jedstarman7 3. Scamming 4.[media]
This Moderator Appliction is for Prison and Op prison. Before I Start I got banned in mineverse 1 time in mineverse prison for scamming and this...
1. geniebyun 2. Vantagez 3. Being Rude 4.[ATTACH]