For the rich donors that get raided fast maybe some extra space for their enderchest like supreme god and titan get a double chest instead of a single
As some people know im gone till november becouse of a broken laptop but i got a enderchest full of OP stuff but i cant open it. so maybe...
i might be stupid but i wonder i heard in 1.8 people can change their names even on servers and i heard people saying no problem but what if...
Well i have the feeling ppp dont believe that my laptop is dead lol this is a picture of the crime...
Me ign ruckaruckarobin Offenders ign insanezac What did he do? Who wants to sell kit guard to me he awnsered he said full set armour for 100k i...
hello i am robin, me ign name is Ruckaruckarobin (i was nine when i created me name but i luv it :p) im 13 years old (i act sometimes older i...