AsianFinest_ zTanay does it look like hacks? [MEDIA]
AsianFinest_ MrPvPer hacking [MEDIA]
AsianFinest_ MissPvP__ hacking I think? [MEDIA]
AsianFinest_ Names: 1) Im_A_Noob69 2) Dark2005 3) MangZi_1 4) weljet 5) DeltaLizard 6) familydude81 7) Silkjoy 8) FreezyPvP 8) Luiyukfai Reasons:...
AsianFinest_ multiple hackers, some may be banned :c I'm slackinn. hacks, kill aura, no kb, etc etc. [MEDIA]
AsianFinest_ Several hackers xd . hacking, ddos threat, anti kb, [MEDIA] you guys don't do IP bans huh? :/
AsianFinest_ multiple hackers lol hacks; kill aura, no knockback, fly etc. [MEDIA]
AsianFinest_ many hackers, pet hiders unfair, DDoSS threats. hacking; etc. ^ listed. [MEDIA]
Hello everybody. I'm just doing a little Christmas give-away, I feel like some people don't get a lot for Christmas so I might as well help out...
AsianFinest_ A bunch of hackers lol hacking; aura, god mode, running on water, advertising etc. [MEDIA]
AsianFinest_ Canesniffer hacking; aura [MEDIA] I would like a IP ban please, because all he does is, if one alt gets banned, he hacks on another....
AsianFinest_ several of hackers lol. Idk you guys can name them. hacking; aura, running on water, no kb, etc. [MEDIA]
AsianFinest_ smallfrie1234 hacking; aura, no kb [MEDIA] GOD, ban pls pls pls . asap asap asap
AsianFinest_ WorldwideCrisis hacking; aura or some type of hacks. [MEDIA]
Hiya everyone! ♥ If you're an old player you may recognize me. Starting off, my name is Ahri :) I am hmong and I am 15, will be 16 in July! I live...
AsianFinest_ KbjOG hacking; aura anti kb [MEDIA]
AsianFinest_ KarimOmar hacking; walking with bow. [MEDIA]
AsianFinest_ Gjjones99 hacking; god mode possibly? anti kb as well + aura. [MEDIA]
AsianFinest_ Dice_Zady hacking; anti kb [MEDIA]
AsianFinest_ Belle24 hacking; running on water. [MEDIA]