I just got to arena 6 so i wanted to see what your guys decks are and stuff mine is Prince Zap Mini Pekka Fireball Barbarians Minion Horde Hog Rider
you guys should make it so on the lobby your screen will say how many players there are on each server like this...
#AntiKeemstarNation #pewdiepie what is up memeverse nation, i'm your host, killer memestar, lets get right into the timeline! 1466- Born in a...
IGN: Tepig4321 User's IGN: Clips Reason: Scamming Evidence: [ATTACH] ^him sayin hes gonna sell kit titan + that nugget guy [ATTACH] ^me paying him...
Username: Tepig4321 Person who I am reporting's username: Hack_Modz Reason: Advertising Proof: [ATTACH]
IGN: Tepig4321 Person who Im Reporting's IGN: FHV Reason: Spamming / Toxicity Evidence: [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
[MEDIA] plz subscribe
Username - Tepig4321 People Reporting - tumblrbabes Reason - Swearing / Disrespect Evidence - [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]...
Username : Tepig4321 Person Breaking Rules' Username : The23Op What rule broken : Advertising Evidence : [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Just a sweet and simple suggestion, just add /f as a quicker way instead of /friends
@Pile knows what im talking about basically how this works im gonna challenge 3 people to put a selfie with their hand on their face as their pfp...
Username: Tepig4321 Persons Username: Fraskwak Rule Broken: Advertising Evidence: [ATTACH]
Username : Tepig4321 Person who is breaking a rule's username : Vetintemamma Rule Broken : Hacking Evidence : [MEDIA]
This is my opinion so no hate please 1. The higher ranks are lets be real here, too op like God, Supreme, Titan, all have op armor so the lower...
Your ingame name: Tepig4321 The offender's exact ingame name: LouisC1402 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Trash Talking /...
Your forums account name: Tepig4321 The offender's forums account name (link to profile): http://www.mineverse.com/members/ertuiop357.23810/ A...
Ign: Tepig4321 Person who I am reporting: SourPatchSpartan, DemolishedCPL Reasons: Trash Talk / Disrespect Evidence: [ATTACH] [ATTACH][ATTACH]...
IGN:Tepig4321 People who I am reporting: richukory171, bazinga3000, GamerrPro Reasons: Trash Talking Screenshots: [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
IGN: Tepig4321 Person who I am reporting: EricWilson57, NeilBarnes, Rage4Reason Reasons: Trash Talk Evidence: [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]