I've been away for a while but i can't join any minecraft servers or even singleplayer and i have downloaded the new java update and another...
Hey Its me Mybuttwentpsycho and I've been talking to a guy he stopped playing on creative for 1 year because his plot wouldn't let him build but...
1. Mybuttwentpsycho 2. BluexClouds 3. Team Killing. BluexClouds clearly broke the rule 'no team killing' in bedwars by fishing her teammates off...
1. Sa_Sa_Samantha 2. BajanJeromeASF 3. BajanJeromeASF has been repeatedly spamming, swearing and cursing! 4. I took this because this is what he...
Hey guys my mc name is: Sa_Sa_Samantha. I'm just a little worried because I can't get out of a trap that someone made, I'm stuck in there with...