A while ago kitpvp2 reset as everyone knows but today i was on kitpvp, and someone asked me to repair there armour (Im God rank) so i said sure....
DemiGods (IMPORTANT: You will need a rank premium or above to join the clan, I am not judging the no...
SoulBound/Tier donor Items? Ok so I have this basic idea of soulbound/Tier donor items in kitpvp… What is soulbound? (tier donor) Ok so...
Now I know that player vaults are in a lot of game modes, depending on your global rank, on the server, but sometimes people want more player...
Hey there PigBusiness here, now I don't normally post on the forums, but I thought this was a good idea and I think it should be added to Kitpvp....
Me getting scammed [MEDIA]
On sky block I scammed 65,ooo by an elite named Awesomus124, please ban him and please am I allowed my 65k back? [MEDIA]
This is a trap on sky-block that i died from and i would like to report it. Please click this link [MEDIA] thanks for reading.
[MEDIA] Please skip to 30 seconds in there was a recording falt in the first 30 seconds sorry :(
Minekingzuck123 scammed me on op factions when i was trying to buy kit starter [MEDIA]
[MEDIA] Basically I was trying to buy a kit of him and he then scammed me :(.
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