About me: I play Football, soccer,basketball,baseball. I am a very active person and i go outside to the pool with a lot of friends to have fun...
Mod App Get to know me I am 15 and I am here to help anyone that is in need and anything I can do to improve I love this server very much and im...
[IMG] [IMG] Ign Tj257 Offenders name Hrary Rule they Broke: Saying foul language in msg aka inappropriate language Images are above in full...
Ign: Tj257 Offernders name: Xcreeper23x Rule they broke: told me to kys Image [IMG]
Ign: Tj257 Offerders name: Eclipse_Ad Rule Broken Hacked client kill aura Video in full screen [MEDIA]
Ign: Tj257 Offerders name xXnitroPvpzXx Rule broke said death threat [IMG]
Ign: Tj257 Offernders Name: The_elite_006 Rule broken Kill aura Video [MEDIA]
Ign: Tj257 Offerders name: TechElement Rule they broke Kill aura. Video In full screen [MEDIA]
Ign: Tj257 Offernders Name: BunnyPistol Rule Broken Death Threat to Someones Sister Screen Shot [IMG]
Ign: Tj257 Offernders name: Kydog21 Rule they broke death threat Screen shot of this player saying it [IMG]
Ign: Tj257 Offenders Name: Kaden4y Rule they broke was they said they were going to go drink bleach Screen shot of this player saying it [IMG]...
Ign: Tj257 Reported Player: ruude Rule what he broke he said "Kys Screen shot of this player saying it[IMG]
Ign: Tj257 Offerners Name: Fadings Rule they Broke: Fading told to "kys" so death threats Snap shot of Them telling to to kys [IMG]
1. christhefish1 2. What rule they rule they/broke it. He told someone to go kill themselves 3. Full screen shot [IMG]
[IMG] Mod App Get to know me I am 15 and I am here to...
My age is 12 My In game name is Tj257 I don't really no what timezone im in so imma just say Easter timezone I live in Colorado I speak English...