Sweet and simple, I suggest reseting the leaderboards for skywars so we can have a fair shot on getting on them since it was just introduced to...
Rant time. Im extremely pissed off with this . Ive died twice today by two different hackers on kitpvp loosing two full p4 gear sets. Its...
Blaze spawners are extremely rare spawners. From what I'm aware of, the only way to obtain them as of now is by buying them from someone that has...
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: Mr__Friendly The offender's exact ingame name:...
New hub, has a really nice design. Also noticed these two guys. Returning game modes or new ones? What do you guys think? O_o[ATTACH] [ATTACH]...
Question, if I place a spawner, can I pick it up with a silk touch pickaxe? (On Skyblock)
Hello, Looking to trade with anyone that can trade in-game money on sky block or a beacon to me, also on sky block. I can provide you with...
Hello, was simply wondering if anyone knew what sky blocks randomtickspeed is currently set to. Put simply, the randomtickspeed determines how...
Nice. Noticed this has happened to others as well. Slightly annoying. I was banned right after doing /kit tempest on kitpvp.[ATTACH] Update: Was...
Both were very fun and enjoyable gamemodes. Really nothing else to say. Bring em back? lemme hear some feedback and opinions :)
Simple and short, after three years I've decided to come back for that feel good nostalgia and simply for some fun. anyone even remember me or has...
Kitpvp1, Or the New kitpvp has a big problem. After every kill, the server practically stops for a few seconds. When theirs a lot of people...
Hey guy's I'm here to trade things for skyblock. These are what I want on skyblock I Want (Skyblock): Money Pig or Cow Spawners Legendary...
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: Mr__Friendly The offender's exact ingame name: 1876 A...
So while I was away because of my temp ban, Skyblock now has a cooldown on /feed. I do a lot of running around, so it's a pain to have the...
Well, I got my first Ban/Temp ban 3 days ago. It was on skyblock for Staff Impersonation. When I go to My ban, it says 2 hours left. When I go in...