Hey today i am reporting this guy/girl that was advertising an ip. As always i gave him/her 1 warning and as always he/she didn`t stop. My In...
Hey there today im gonna show you this map called Abandoned City. First i do not know how to make videos so i only took screenshots. Second i...
Hey today i am reporting this guy/girl that was Advertising an Ip. Latley i`ve seen many people advertising ip`s and i hope someone can make them...
Hey today i am reporting this guy that was Advertising an Ip. Latley i`ve seen many people advertising ip`s and i hope someone can make them stop...
Hey there so i was wondering if we can maybe change our name on the forums a second time because you know my name right now is Leggi and that is...
Hey there,today i am reporting this guy that was spamming an ip in the chat. People have been spamming ip`s latley so i hope someone can make them...
Hey guys today i am reporting this guy that was spamming an ip in the chat (creative) As always i gave him 1 warning. My IGN: KawaiiLikeSenpai...
My IGN: KawaiiLikeSenpai His IGN: SpeedyMiner0 Hey Today i am reporting this guy because he was spamming an ip at parkour. I always say : You...
My IGN: KawaiiLikeSenpai His IGN: IProPlays Hey Today i am reporting this guy that was spamming an ip in the chat. I said that he had 1 more...
My IGN: KawaiiLikeSenpai His IGN:071 Hey Today i am reporting this guy that was spamming an Ip at parkour i said he had 1 warning and he didnt...
My IGN: OriginalAnime His IGN: ILIKEPIZZA12_YT Hey Today i am reporting this guy called ILIKEPIZZA12_YT because he was spamming an IP in The...
Hey i was on creative today and i saw a guy swearing i said stop it or i will report you. Then he started swearing and saying stuff to me. My...
Hey Today i am making a Moderator application because i think i can help alot on mineverse. Your in-game name: My IGN: LegitSensei but people...
Gamertag:LegitSensei Hey , so i was going to skywars and i got in a game and when i said Good luck to everyone i saw my rank, but then when i got...
Hey its me again but this time its about my other account SmoothParticles (supreme) My gamertag now is: SmoothParticles My old gamertag was:...
Hey i am smoothparticles and i got 2 accounts i got smoothparticles and LegitSensei Gamertag: old: LightSensei New: LegitSensei I changed my...
how old are you?: i am 12 years old your in-game name: my gamertag is SmoothParticles what timezone are you in?: my timezone is CET what...
I am 12 years old my gamertag is SmoothParticles my timezone is CET i speak norwegian so i am from norway but i can 65/100 english i want to be...