Your ingame name: AtlustheFbarrel The offender's ingame name: Romania A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Threatening to ddos...
I didn't need to give it much thought about this. Of course, I'm sure this title must have attracted some mods or gossip girls about who's...
Your ingame name: New_Atlus The offender's ingame name: Grushterniak A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Used hacks to get...
Your ingame name: New_Atlus The offender's ingame name: salamattder A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Went from 1 to 12 in...
My old mod app went well, but also went over a month without a comment. I'll have to abandon it. I may have lost hope a couple times, but I know I...
As you can tell by the title, I'm having trouble with my brother. My brother is 16. He always acts like he's hot s***. He gets all the attention...
Logged in Parkour. Noticed someone flying. Miner went from the end of 4 to the end of 5 just by simply flying. I don't have a screen recorder, so...
Offender is EverGreatest Offender was: Stating racist comments on the British; Abuse[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Offender: blackbeltmike Offender was: Using foul language [ATTACH]
Once again in parkour, the conversation took a very wrong turn. Offender is Ashtons6 Offeneder was: Speaking vulgar and advertising inappropriate...
I just went on Factions to find IN1NJAI speaking in kinda bad language. I don't know if this is foul enough language for a report or not....
Wuzzap ma homeboyy im the one known as Atlas spelled with a 'u'. ... For a translation for those who did not understand, I basically said, "Hi,...
I just noticed this sign floating in the middle of nowhere. I must know what it says!! Please, mods! Tell me what it says! It's killing me!![ATTACH]
I was on Parkour. The conversation took a wrong turn, talking about gays. Apparently, skeleton_bone was making fun of somebody for that reason....
I was playing parkour and noticed someone said that they have perms to fly. Apparently, Noobcrew gave him permission when he is completed. I'm not...
So I've been thinking lately. What if an Admin thinks someone is capable of being a mod, but still isn't quite sure? Well, I was thinking about a...
[ATTACH] I was playing, when it said it was shut down by something. Then this came up.
I don't know if this is a major offence, but we noticed someone posing as a mod. At one point, someone told him to fly to prove it, and he said he...
Offender is Latios27 Offender was: Using bukkit commands to talk when possibly muted Using foul language[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Offender is rjzavorka Offender was: Using foul language with kiddies around. Ev: [ATTACH] [ATTACH]