Last week I was having a problem with some rogue moderators, and their friends. I showed proof of these hoodlums and their derogatory remarks to...
I am absolutely happy that the insanity is over! Thank you for all who has listened to my cause, to understand me, and I appreciate all the help...
I'm just wondering how many Moderators are there for this server? Why is it that there are no answers to paying customers, when it comes down to...
This is only part of the conversation that I had with Fryzigg. Just one of the screen shots of the original appeal. I was banned for supposedly...
I was legitimately asking a question pertaining to bans on scamming, when I was called names by players, and told I'm neurotic and looney for...
I have been asking someone to help me understand how this server works, with the rule of banning someone for a pickaxe. I am asking for a...