Just to start off no I'm not new around here, but I feel like I don't really know the community as good as I should, I just wanted to meet new...
Hey, im here to report a group of people who have been threatning to hack my account, i got a bit of proof that a guy tryed to trick me to click a...
@Noobcrew @PopIs_MyLife @CypriotMerks Guys, I got and idea for ArcherPvp, its prety simple to make i guess. Whats the idea? Soo the idea i was...
@Noobcrew Dood do something about it please, there are loads of people with swords is ArcherPvp. Fix It. Ban people who have them idk do...
@PopIs_MyLife I want to do a report on ArcherPvp His name is _StrenghV_ He has Ilegal items, i have proff of a sword, that him and his friend...